Fast & Affordable Courier Service in Nepal

Express International courier Service in Nepal

If you are looking for an International courier service in Nepal? DR Courier Express is the best courier service for sending parcels cheaply, fast and affordable. Nowadays everyone needs a secure and affordable courier service which can deliver the courier on time from Nepal.Yes, We are happy to announce DR Courier Express provides the best discount courier service in Nepal. you should select DR Courier Express as first. We are professionals in this field with good service experience. We offer you great deals on your courier, and provide real time tracking.

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Which is the best Courier company in Kathmandu Nepal?

DR Courier Express is the best courier company in Kathmandu. We provide domestic as well as international delivery service. Our company has been using up-to-date technology to track the real time shipping status. So, we will deliver your courier quickly and in a safe way.

Why should you choose DR Courier Express as first?

The Fast delivery is the best advantage of our courier service. Our global storage and distribution network makes sure your courier is always at the right place at the right time.We provide immediate courier service from Nepal.

What are the services DR Courier Express provides in Nepal?

We are doing best services in Nepal for Air Cargo, Sea Cargo, Food delivery, Medicine and Baggage Delivery, Document courier, and Parcel delivery, Commercial Shipment, Household Items shifting.

How does DR Courier Express handle your Courier?

Door to Door Courier service from Nepal

We will collect courier from your doorstep in Nepal and get it custom cleared and also delivered safely to the destination.

Mode of Courier Packing in Nepal

No more worry for courier packing in Nepal. We provide extra wrapping for your valuable courier with packing cartons, corrugated sheets, foam sheet, bubble sheet, thermocol and adhesive tapes. We take extra care for your parcel before shipping from Nepal.

Cheapest Courier Service in Nepal

One of the main reasons that make us the best courier service in Nepal is the less expensive courier services.

Courier Tracking service in Nepal

DR Courier Express offers a real time tracking service from Nepal and you can track your shipment from anywhere.

Our Office

DR Courier Express Pvt Ltd
Gairi Gaun, Ward No-9
Kathmandu Nepal

Phone Number

Nepal : +977 985 1089925

Email Address